400 Westpark Drive  |  Peachtree City, GA 30269

2020-21 Phi Mu Foundation Annual Report

Robin White Fanning, BI

2020-2022 Foundation President

Kristin Tofanelli, KM

Executive Director

A Message From Our Leadership

Dear Sisters and Friends,

When we look back on the past year, we are overjoyed with the devotion and commitment that we have shown each other as Phi Mu sisters. Many challenges have come our way, but we have stayed the path together and focused on our mission to support the lifetime development of women.

Phi Mu women needed a helping hand from the Foundation this year more than ever before; this was evident in the growing number of academic scholarships and member assistance applications we received in 2020-21. Your contributions helped provide women with opportunities for growth during this time of uncertainty, and allowed us to grant $380,000 to support Fraternity programming like the virtual Phi Mu Officer Academy when gathering in-person was not possible; emergency funds for women impacted by life-changing circumstances like the global pandemic; and academic scholarships to offset the cost of tuition for our members.

Recognizing that the needs of Phi Mu women continue to grow, we know we must also invest in the growth of the Foundation to help sustain those needs. The launch of the One Destiny Campaign earlier this year came right on time. More than 3,000 of you joined us for the virtual campaign launch online and to date, the campaign has raised over 95% of the campaign goal of $15 million. Many of you have supported the campaign with a personal gift and we want to take this opportunity to thank you! The One Destiny Campaign has the ability to change the course of our members’ future and we cannot wait to celebrate its success with you at the 2022 National Convention.

Thank you for your loyalty and love to our sisterhood through your generous contributions to Phi Mu Foundation.

Our Mission


Empowering Women to Become Lifelong Leaders

As a literary organization founded by three women who were amongst the first to pioneer their way through college, Phi Mu has rooted itself in leadership and education since 1852. By investing in Phi Mu Fraternity’s innovative leadership and educational programs, we are empowering Phi Mu women with the tools they need to not only excel during their four years in college, but for a lifetime.

For the 2021-22 academic year, we awarded:

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From the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Fund to Phi Mu Fraternity for Dr. Shirley Davis


Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Consultant to provide active education for staff, volunteers and members.


From the Diversity, Equity and Inclusive Fund to Phi Mu Fraternity


For training facilitated by Dr. Dyonne Bergeron, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Inclusion and Student Achievement at University of Colorado Boulder, for all Headquarters staff members


From the Fraternity Grant Fund to Phi Mu Fraternity for the Xcelerate Media Platform/Phi Mu Resource Hub


 to host online training content and courses for Phi Mu members.


from the Fraternity Grant Fund to Phi Mu Fraternity for the 2021 Phi Mu Officer Academy featured speakers,


Including Krystal Clark, Delta Delta Delta, speaking on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion; Dr. Lori Hart, Alpha Omicron Pi, speaking on leading through the Pandemic and becoming a better leader; Ross Szabo, author of “Behind Happy Faces” and renowned mental health speaker; and Sarah Stewart Holland and Beth Silvers, both of the Delta Theta Chapter of Phi Mu and hosts of Pansuit Politics podcast


From the Frances Larmer Advisers Forum Fund to Phi Mu Fraternity for the Behind Happy Faces Adviser Series


The “Behind Happy Faces: Advisor Resource Series” Mental Health Workshops were created by author, professional speaker and suicide attempt survivor Ross Szabo. The workshops are a series of online modules that are primarily provided for Chapter Advisers but also available to, and relevant for, other volunteers, officers and staff members, particularly those who work with collegians.


From the Fraternity Grant Fund to Phi Mu Fraternity to fund Behind Happy Faces Collegiate Series:


This program is a series of five lessons that helps to support and enhance the mental health and emotional development of our members


$10,000 from the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Fund and $45,000 from the Fraternity Grant Fund to Phi Mu Fraternity to fund a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Staff Consultant


The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Consultant will work directly with Fraternity staff for one calendar year to provide a deeper knowledge base to infuse DEI in all that we do for collegiate members, alumnae and future members.


From the Fraternity Grant Fund to Phi Mu Fraternity for Programming Staff Support


To fund a portion of the salaries of the Fraternity’s Director of Leadership and Curriculum Development and the Assistant Director of Leadership and Curriculum Development


From the Perky Campbell/Buz Henson Project Hope Grant in Memory of Jan Downing


 to support Project Hope’s COVID-19 response efforts in the United States, responding to hard-hit areas and at-risk populations that urgently need assistance.


From the William Wilcox Fund to the Delta Alpha chapter at Indiana University


To upgrade the Wi-Fi system in the Delta Alpha Chapter House and purchase new printers

Creating a Pathway to a More Affordable Education

Each year when we award Phi Mu Foundation scholarships, we’re flooded with letters from recipients that remind us of the critical role these scholarships play in women receiving their education. Whether it’s to help an undergraduate woman cut back on her hours at work this semester or to help a medical student reduce the amount of loans she’ll have to take out that semester, Phi Mu Foundation scholarships are helping women reach their highest potential.

The Foundation awarded 139 Phi Mu women with $152,250 in academic scholarships in 2020-21 to pursue their undergraduate and graduate-level education.

In 2021-22 The Foundation invested

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In these historic Preservation Projects:

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in rent and insurance for the Philomathean Room at the Cannonball House in Macon, Georgia

Phi Mu has impacted lives and that’s why it’s important to give back to the Foundation and help preserve the Phi Mu experience for generations to come.

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in museum collection software and American Association for State and Local History membership dues

Phi Mu has impacted lives and that’s why it’s important to give back to the Foundation and help preserve the Phi Mu experience for generations to come.

Responding in Times of Crisis

Phi Mu members have been met with several challenges over the past year, including the global pandemic of COVID-19 which resulted in health and wellness issues and unemployment for many women and their families.

Through our Member Assistance Funds – the Leona Hughes Hughes Heart and Hand Fund and the Betty Nell Wilkinson Emergency Fund – we’re able to provide members with financial support to help with tuition and education expenses, along with basic necessities of food, clothing, shelter, transportation, utilities, and/or medical care.

In 2020-21, the Foundation provided emergency financial assistance to 29 women totaling $33,764.

Want to know more? Send us an email at