2019-20 Key Dates to Remember

Consider these important Phi Mu Foundation dates as you set your 2019-20 calendar!
November: 2020 M3 Planning Begins
Now is a great time to reach out to Phi Mu Foundation staff if you have questions about fundraising for the M3 Campaign, or if you would like a Foundation Trustee or staff member to facilitate the Phi Mu Program on Phi Mu Foundation at a chapter meeting in early 2020.
M3 fundraising ideas and marketing tools can be found in the Phi Mu Foundation Document Library, under the M3 Toolkit.
December: M3 Presentation Scheduling
We enjoy getting out on the road and sharing more about the Foundation with our members! If you are interested in hosting a Foundation Trustee or staff member to facilitate the Phi Mu Program on Phi Mu Foundation at a chapter meeting, please contact the Foundation office with a few possible dates in January, February or March.
January 1: Phi Mu Foundation Scholarship Applications Available
More than 100 scholarship opportunities are available through Phi Mu Foundation for collegiate and alumnae members with at least a 3.2 GPA and in good standing with the Fraternity. Visit the Academic Scholarship tab on our website for more information on how you can apply through March 1, 2020.
If your Alumnae Chapter is interested in establishing a scholarship that supports your local area, please contact Director of Major Gifts Mandi Young.
January 1: Call for Phi Mu Foundation Sisterhood Auction Items Begins
Prior to Convention, we call upon sisters, friends, and collegiate and alumnae chapters to donate items to be auctioned off during the Convention week to benefit the Fraternity’s growing needs and provide opportunities that enrich the lives of our sisters. Members and chapters who procure items for the auction will receive soft giving credit in exchange for their donation.
January: Phonathon
Phonathon is our longest-running Annual Fund campaign and is an inspiring weekend of connecting our collegiate and alumnae sisters from across the country. Send us your contact information if you’d like to receive a phone call from a sister that weekend.
March 1: 2020 M3 Campaign Begins
Each year, Phi Mu sisters and friends dedicate the month of March to raising funds to benefit Phi Mu Foundation through the M3 Campaign. The collegiate and alumnae chapters who have the largest overall contribution will receive a chapter visit from Phi Mu Foundation Board of Trustees and staff.
April: Check Your Gift History
Foundation members may be close to the next giving level and eligible for recognition during the Phi Mu Foundation Business Session at Convention! Please contact the Foundation office to receive a gift summary by email.
June 12: Phi Mu Foundation Sisterhood Auction Items Due
Make sure your auction items arrive at Phi Mu National Headquarters in time to be packed for the trip to Florida!
July 7-12: 2020 Phi Mu National Convention
Don’t miss out on any of the fun! Members of our annual giving programs – 1852 Society, Legacy League, Carnation Club and Rose & White – receive invitations to exclusive events and meet and greet opportunities during Convention. Think about joining one of these programs (or even upgrading to the next level, if you’re already a member) to secure your spot.