2024 Alumnae Experience at Phi Mu Officer Academy
The 2024 PMOA Alumnae Experience
The Phi Mu Officer Academy (PMOA) is an annual leadership training for collegiate members from every chapter across the country. As Phi Mu’s largest annual gathering, PMOA welcomes over 800 members to attend a three-day leadership intensive offering various experiences to learn, develop, and apply their leadership skills within our sisterhood and beyond.
This year, in coordination with the Fraternity’s Phi Mu Officer Academy from January 26-28, 2024, Phi Mu Foundation will offer a unique and exclusive experience for alumnae. The PMOA Alumnae Experience will allow 15 coveted opportunities for alumnae to learn, engage, and sharpen their personal leadership style while sponsoring collegiate members’ attendance at PMOA. This insider experience will offer alumnae an opportunity to attend targeted sessions as philanthropic leaders while also providing insight into the critical leadership training and professional development provided to Phi Mu’s collegiate members. Alumnae Experience attendees will be invited to lunch with Phi Mu National President, Lynn McGraw, including an intimate opportunity to hear a Fraternity update and engage in an exclusive conversation about NPC Trends and the dynamic higher education landscape. Special opportunities will immerse alumnae attendees with collegiate members and foster relationships with sisters.
There are currently nine spots remaining and spots will be filled on a first come for serve basis.
If you’re interested in learning more about the PMOA Alumnae Experience and securing one of the coveted spots, click here to view the tentative daily schedule, chapter sponsorship levels and accommodations.
If you have questions or would like to discuss this opportunity further, please contact Senior Director of Development Mandi Young.