Interning with Phi Mu Foundation
We had the chance to sit down with the 2016 Phi Mu Foundation Summer Interns, Lexi Artman, Delta, and Jackie Brideau, Kappa Omicron, to hear their perspective on what it was like to work at Phi Mu National Headquarters for the summer!
What’s one thing that you learned/experienced during your internship that really made you stop and say, “WOW?”
- Lexi: Convention! I was blown away by the amount of Phi Mu women in one place, and it was so cool to see sisters from all over the country and all different ages together. I also really loved meeting the Board of Trustees at events and dinners, and hearing why being involved with Phi Mu and the Foundation is still so important to them! Plus, I met Jackie which rocked!
- Jackie: My super wow moment for me was getting to meet Past and Present National Presidents and Foundation Presidents at our National Convention. I was awestruck by the women that have been shaping this organization for years, and have no plans of stopping.
What was your favorite part of interning at Phi Mu Foundation?
- Jackie: Definitely the people I met along the way! The staff, Lexi, and all of the women I met at Convention just added to my love of Phi Mu! I couldn’t be more thankful for the forever friends I made during my internship.
- Lexi: I really liked learning about the behind the scenes work at the Foundation. There is so much that goes in to every event and the Foundation’s mission is so important to all of our sisters, so it was very humbling and exciting to see all the working parts and dedication of the Foundation staff.
Did your internship change your perspective on Phi Mu?
- Lexi: I would say that my internship made me more appreciative of Phi Mu and gave me a greater understanding of what Phi Mu truly embodies. I learned a lot about how to live “Love, Honor, Truth” every day from those around me and at Convention, which made a huge positive impact on my perspective of Phi Mu.
- Jackie: My internship changed my entire perspective of Phi Mu! I realized this organization is much bigger than just me or just my chapter. I was able to view our sisterhood from many different angles, which was incredible.
Lexi and Jackie show their {true} personalities at the Phi Mu Foundation Sisterhood Auction in 2016!
Did interning at the Foundation have an influence on your as a chapter member and sister?
- Jackie: Absolutely. I feel like I have gained so much knowledge and Phi Mu wisdom, and I have loved spreading that to any sisters who will listen.
- Lexi: I learned so much about leadership and sisterhood while working at the Foundation, and it was great to take that back to my executive board and chapter. I got to talk with Jackie a lot about what Kappa Omicron does, and we even used one of her social themes for a Delta event! As a philanthropy chair, I gained a new perspective from the staff about the importance of recognizing the hard work of your team and donors, and about how to make an event and a fundraising mission really successful.
What advice would you give the next Foundation intern?
- Lexi: Take everything in and really just enjoy it! There is so much to learn from the amazing Foundation staff, but there is also so much fun to be had. I loved going to work every day last summer, and I truly miss it. Be open and excited, because you will learn so much while having the time of your life!
- Jackie: Meet as many people as possible! Get excited to meet other collegians, alumnae, staff, volunteers … everyone! Meeting the Phi Mu National Council, Foundation Board of Trustees and Phi Mus from all over the country has truly changed the way I think about our sisterhood and I couldn’t be more thankful.