Introducing the Foundation Collegiate Leadership Council

What do you get when you bring together seven dynamic collegiate leaders, all of whom are passionate about philanthropy and the lifetime development of Phi Mu women? A confident group of women ready to inspire their fellow members to invest in our sisterhood as part of the Phi Mu Foundation Collegiate Leadership Council.
These women are serving together as the first Phi Mu Foundation Collegiate Leadership Council (CLC) during the 2017-18 academic year, with hopes that we’ll learn from the experiences they have this year and grow the program in the future. These leaders will help educate and advocate for Phi Mu Foundation online with their social media followers and in person with presentations at nearby collegiate and alumnae chapters. With periodic training opportunities and conference calls during the year, the CLC members and Foundation staff will take a look at several topics, including: collegiate engagement, cultivation and stewardship, fundraising and other philanthropic efforts.
In addition to their work as Foundation ambassadors, each CLC member is matched with a Phi Mu Foundation Trustee Mentor to learn and share with throughout the year. This provides an amazing opportunity for these women to learn and develop alongside some of our most seasoned Phi Mu volunteers!
Lexi Artman, Delta, Tulane University
Abby Belt, Kappa, University of Tennessee-Knoxville
Natalie Loomis, Eta Rho, California State University – Sacramento
Morgan Massa, Gamma Alpha, College of William & Mary
Mary Melissa Roland, Alpha Iota, Mercer University
Haylee Schmirler, Zeta Eta, University of Minnesota
Bayley Sharp, Alpha Gamma, Samford University
In addition to hearing from them throughout the year, you’ll get a closer look into how some of the members of the CLC have been impacted by the Foundation as they serve as Guest Correspondents for our 18 Hours & 52 Minutes of Giving initiative on October 24! Follow #18Hours52Minutes on social media for more information.