Send Caring Carnations!

Take part in one of the most celebrated Phi Mu traditions and send Caring Carnations to members who will be in Las Vegas for the 2018 Phi Mu National Convention! For decades, Phi Mu sisters have adorned their Convention name badges with Caring Carnations sent from fellow sisters, advisers, officers and parents, as a symbol of love and friendship.

We offer two types of Caring Carnations– the Golden Quatrefoil ($10) and the Radiant Rose ($5). With your purchase, you will help make this incredible experience for Convention attendees even more special while also supporting Phi Mu Foundation with a tax-deductible gift!

Click Here to Send Caring Carnations Today!

You can purchase up to 20 Caring Carnations – both the Golden Quatrefoil and the Radiant Rose – from our secure website at If you would like to purchase more than 20, please complete additional web transactions or contact Director of Development Kristin Tofanelli at or 770-632-2122 for assistance.

Also available for Convention attendees this year is a limited-edition Phi Mu Foundation Pink Sparkle Lanyard for a special pre-Convention price of $18.52. You can purchase one for yourself, or send one as a gift. Stand out with some sparkle in Vegas and get yours today! Pre-sales end on June 11.

Click Here to Purchase a Pink Sparkle Lanyard!

Proceeds from Caring Carnations and Pink Sparkle Lanyards benefit the Phi Mu Foundation Annual Fund, which supports our mission to further the lifetime development of women by providing essential support of academic scholarships, leadership and educational programming, member assistance and historic preservation.