400 Westpark Drive  |  Peachtree City, GA 30269

Welcome New Phi Mu Parents!

We are so excited to welcome you and your daughter to Phi Mu, and introduce you to Phi Mu Foundation!

Phi Mu Foundation is proud of its history as a charitable, tax-deductible organization supporting women in higher education.  As a Phi Mu, your daughter benefits from the generosity of members and their families who have created a legacy of philanthropy to give back to women like her leading and learning in chapters across the nation.

With your support, the Foundation grants nearly 200 academic scholarships annually to collegiate and alumnae members, helping them to further their education while minimizing the financial burden of rising tuition costs and student loans. There are also many leadership and educational programs funded in part by the Foundation that create tremendous opportunities for women just like your daughter. Since 2015, the Foundation has granted more than $600,000 to the Fraternity to implement leadership and educational programs, such as:

  • Phi Mu Leadership Institute: a multi-day leadership immersion program for collegiate chapter members to learn more about the importance of investing in themselves and in their chapter.
  • Phi Mu Radiance Program: a leadership programming framework aimed at empowering women to enhance their leadership skills, start conversations that matter and identify ways to create positive change.
  • Phi Mu Officer Academy: a leadership program that equips collegiate chapter officers with the knowledge, skills and resources they need to be effective chapter leaders.
  • Phi Mu University: academic videos and resources provided to students in challenging academic subjects, along with access to a Tutor Matching Service.
  • Phi Mu Chapter Consultants: each year a team of recent Phi Mu graduates converge across the country to collegiate chapters to provide guidance, support and problem-solving skills to members.
“Because of the incredible impact Phi Mu had on Caroline’s life during her first year, I wanted her to be invested as a member of Phi Mu Foundation. I know that our gift is benefiting programs that have helped Caroline become the strong woman she is today, and will play a part in furthering growth for her and her sisters down the road.”
Gary Hague, father of Caroline Hague, Kappa Omicron, Georgia Southern University-Amrstrong

As your daughter embarks on her journey with Phi Mu, we hope you’ll consider making a tax-deductible gift to Phi Mu Foundation in her honor. With a contribution of $50 or more, your daughter will become a member of Phi Mu Foundation, which provides her with access to Foundation news and special events. With a contribution of $100 or more, she will receive all of the perks of Foundation membership, plus an exclusive lion dangle to wear proudly on her Phi Mu badge after she is initiated. You can use the enclosed card to make your contribution today, or visit www.phimufoundation.org/give and select “Honor My Daughter (Phi)” from the dropdown menu. 

You can find more information about the programs supported by the Foundation with your generous gifts at www.phimufoundation.org.  Also make sure to follow @PhiMuFoundation on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for all of the latest news!

Meet Jackie Brideau, Kappa Omicron

We had the chance to sit down with Rose & White Giving Program member and Delta Area Collegiate Relations Coordinator Jackie Brideau, Kappa Omicron, and hear more about how just one conversation changed the way she thought about giving to Phi Mu Foundation.

What made your collegiate Phi Mu experience special?

Being a founding member of my chapter, I feel like my entire collegiate experience was special! So much of what I learned during those years was because of advisers and Chapter Consultants who were pushing me to be my very best. If it weren’t for their leadership and support, empowering me to be confident in my own abilities, I don’t know that I would have pursued leadership positions in my chapter.

What inspired you to join a Phi Mu Foundation giving program?

When I attended my first Convention in 2014, I started to gain a much better understanding of how the Foundation’s funding helped to impact women just like me. Realizing that my chapter wouldn’t be the same without Chapter Consultants who guided us, and that there were women all across the country that may not be able to pursue their degree without the scholarships from the Foundation really put into perspective how important the Foundation really is to our sisterhood. I knew that I wanted to be a part of that.

What legacy do you hope to leave for Phi Mu through your gifts to Phi Mu Foundation?

I hope that I can give someone a chance to have the same wonderful experience in Phi Mu that I did! If I can help just one girl become the woman that she is destined to be, then I feel that I have done my part.

Some members think because they can’t make a large gift, that they shouldn’t give at all. What advice would you give women who are considering making a gift – small or large?

Past Foundation Trustee Sharon Staley once said to me, “I started giving to the Foundation with just one dollar.” For her to say that was so incredible and really resonated with me. I may not have hundreds of dollars a month to give right now, but I do have a few dollars I can start with. I’m going to put my money where my heart is, and know that no matter what the amount is that I give, I am having a positive impact on another sister’s life!

Make History with Phi Mu

Etch your place in Phi Mu history with the purchase of a personalized brick on the commemorative terrace at Phi Mu National Headquarters. Bricks can be purchased online or by mail for $152 or $157 with the inclusion of Greek letters. Visit www.phimufoundation.org/give for more information or call the Foundation office at 770-632-2090.

Welcome to the team, Terriann!

Meet Phi Mu Foundation Summer Intern Terriann Reisinger, Theta Epsilon, and see what kind of adventures she’ll find herself on this summer!